Week Eighteen 02/12-02/16

Week Eighteen 02/12-02/16

"The woman said to Him, “Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep.”" John 4:11

I’m sure we’ve all heard the story of the woman at the well a million times. However, I recently reread it only to realize I over looked this verse. Jesus is traveling through Samaria and during the heat of the day stops by a well where a Samaritan woman was drawing her water. It was uncommon for someone to be drawing out water at this time of day, as it was typically done in the morning or evening. It was also uncommon for a Jewish man to talk to a Samaritan, let alone a Samaritan woman. Jesus asked her for a drink of water and her response was, “Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep.” The Lord has been calling me deeper in relationship with Him and that means areas of my heart that I’ve avoided healing are beginning to be brought up. How many times does the Lord nudge us to go deeper in our relationship and our response mirrors this one? We think that our problems are too big for God or too impossible to overcome. I relate these feelings with past ones and expect God to work in the same ways, ultimately putting a limit on His authority and power. How often to we limit God by expecting Him to work in the same ways. Often, I search from within to find answers as to how He will walk me through these things. I was reading an Elizabeth Elliot book and she mentioned that in her journal she wrote, “O Christ, He is the fountain, the deep, sweet well of love…” How silly to think that we can find answers within ourselves, knowing that Christ is the well of living water that is the only source capable of healing us and satisfying our hearts. In these remaining weeks, I purpose to draw nearer to the Lord through His Word and allowing it to wash over me and fill the deep, unreached parts of my heart.


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